Renowned stars
Dance workshops with first-class international artists
Getting to know new dance styles and techniques, perfectioning our own dance style and learning the secrets of the professionals; that’s the goal. That is why I regularly organize workshops at my belly dance school with well-known artists on a wide variety of dance styles and topics.
Because in dance it is like in life:
"He who stops being better, stops being good." (Philip Rosenthal, entrepreneur)
During the workshops, we learn new styles and techniques, benefit from the knowledge of the professionals, while improving our own style. Many excellent dancers and artists have already taught at my belly dancing school near Lucerne. To list just a few here:
U.S. star Sadie Marquardt
Sanjana Muthreja from India
Shervin Boloorian from Bali
Hossam and Serena Ramzy (Egypt / Brazil)
Dalila of Cairo
Aisha from Greece
Tania and Rose Moghrabi Cook (Lebanon / Switzerland)
And many more
I also regularly participate in workshops and courses to constantly improve my dance style and expand my dance spectrum.
Like the Raqia Hassam Winter Intensive Course 2008, in the picture Dunya at the award ceremony with Raqia Hassam and Dr. Mo Geddawi (on the microphone). Or with Tito Seif.
You can find some impressions in the picture gallery below.
More information about the next workshops.